Saturday, October 31, 2020

Power Rangers Beast Morphers: Golden Opportunity Review

PRBM "Golden Opportunity"
Now that the show has to come down from the high of a team-up trilogy, it's back to business as usual. This time, Nate's parents finally reconnect with him and offer him a chance to accompany them on their Peace Corps-esque adventures. As it happens, the episode works fine except for one glaring flaw.

When Nate considers accepting his parents' offer, giving up the Gold Rangership and his post at Grid Battleforce, his absence's effect on the team is explored. Megan would rightly replace him in the lab, for instance. As it turns out, the Rangers fail to pick up Nate's slack and can't even figure out how to transport their morphers and weapons off-site. The point is seemingly clear: they need Nate. But there's one giant problem with this plot: Nate was given one single day (!) to bring everyone up to speed on what to do in his absence. One day?! I'm sure given a reasonable buffer period when Nate could train everyone, things would run fine. But the episode needs to contort its plot into an insanely small timetable, so the points it makes come out looking pretty forced.

Roxy has quite a showcase this episode. After essentially appearing as a jump scare, Roxy upgrades herself into a "super" form that looks like a rancid blooming flower. She even channels Steve Rogers when she says "I can do this all day" during a fight. Minus their morphers, the Rangers show their bravery by fighting an upgraded Roxy and Clawtron while unmorphed. There's a bit of action creativity when Nate rides Devon's cheetah speed power-up.

So the action has its moments beyond the usual (although there's a lot of the usual), and it's definitely amusing and strange seeing Steel vying for affection from his "parents". But the foundational flaw in "Golden Opportunity"'s plot weighs it down. 4/10.

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