Monday, April 6, 2009

SG-1 Season 4 Analysis Part 2

In Part 1, I mentioned the unbeatable Early Season 4 Atmosphere ™. This is hard to explain partially because it's an atmosphere and partially because it's not any one thing. It's something in the quality of the film the shows are shot on, the look of the special effects, the dynamics of the team, and last but certainly not least, Janet.

Seriously, she looks great! Anyway, this atmosphere is just a strange and delightful presence. 

The other thing to address is the comparison of Season 4's 1st 7 episodes to the first 7 episodes of other seasons. In my reviews of "Small Victories" through "Watergate", not a single episode received less than an 8. Let's go through the other seasons briefly. I'm looking for episodes in the first 7 of a season that in my opinion, warrant a rating less than 8.

Season 1 has "Emancipation".
Season 2 has "Need".
Season 3 has "Learning Curve".
Season 4 has none.
Season 5 has "Beast of Burden".
Season 6 has "Frozen".
Season 7 has "Enemy Mine".
Season 8 has "Affinity".
Season 9 actually comes the closest to not having any, but alas, there's "The Ties that Bind".
Season 10 has "Morpheus".

Of course, there were yet more in virtually all of these seasons, but I only picked what I considered to be the sore thumb in each. 

Season 4 has an outstanding first stretch of 7 episodes. Can it keep it up? In Part 3, I delve into the middle of the season.


  1. See now you get me all nostalgic about the earlier seasons of SG-1. I'm watching season 8 right now, a season completely without Janet and almost completely without Hammond. When are you doing seasons 1-3???

  2. Sometime soon. Nothing beats these early seasons!
