An evil sorcerer named Maldis pits Crichton and Crais in a battle to the death. Zhaan struggles to inflict pain so as to counteract Maldis' power.
I like Crais as a main antagonist, but I'm not so sure about the steps taken with his character here. It's almost as if the episode gives him an extra dimension, but then takes it away unceremoniously.
I loved Maldis' evil laugh and random screams. On the other hand, the extent of his powers is left unclear, and thus so are his motives for wanting Crais' Carrier. Maldis can extend his powers to bring Crais to the arena from the Carrier, but it's left unclear what else he can do regarding that ship. Can he mentally control people? Can he mentally control the ship?
I hope that Zhaan's trauma here is reflected in later stories. An okay one that could have been better.
Rating: 6.5 / 10
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